It is not uncommon for the golden generation to want to remain independent during the later time of their life. However, there are those who may require a little bit of extra help around the home. This is when our team springs into action to provide you the highest quality of aged care services. We have created this FAQ page, to help you understand the operations behind our industry.
I believe I qualify and require aged care services. How can I start to access services?
The first step is to contact My Aged Care either over the phone on 1800 200 422 or apply online for a face to face assessment of your care needs (clinical, support work or personal) at https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment/apply-online . The reason behind this assessment is to determine your eligibility for aged care services and what services are available to you. This will also determine your eligibility for government funded aged care services.
You may contact Royalty Scope Nursing Services to be your chosen aged care service provider by:
- filling out our contact form
- calling our office Monday-Friday 9am-5pm on 9538 2379.
- You can also email our administration at info@royaltyscope.com.au
What type of services can I access?
There are various home support services available to you; to access these may depend on your chosen provider and their approved services. These services can include clinical aid, support work and personal care. For example, Royalty Scope Nursing Services is an approved provider for NDIS, DVA & HCP; this means that some of the services we can provide include:
- Personal Care e.g., showering, toileting, dressing & Continence Care
- Nutrition, hydration, meal preparation and diet
- Clinical Nursing e.g., Wound/Skin Care & Management, Medication Administration
- Social Activities
- Shopping & Community Participation
- Case Management
- Respite Care
- Cleaning
What will these services cost me?
The costs associated with your fees will vary depending on your personal case. The factors affecting how much you are to be charged depend on:
- your chosen provider
- what care you are eligible for
- your current financial status
- access to funding e.g. DVA or HCP
While the Australian Government can contribute to your fees, if you are in a financial status of being able to pay for some of your services you will be asked to.
Are there any programs I can access to get financial aid for my home care?
If you wish to remain at home but receive additional care for your clinical or personal needs. There are various schemes you can access that will help provide these to you through the access of financial aid. These government programs give you and/or your chosen provider access to government granted funding to help pay for your services. These can either be fully subsidised or partially subsidised. The Australian Government’s most popular programs are:
- Home Care Packages (extensive levels of care)
The term “home care package” refers to the subsidised funds allocated by the federal government; once assessed these funds aid you with your required forms of support and medical care. If you would like to begin the assessment process to receive your Home Care Package; you must check your contact the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422. You may also fill out an online enquiry form at https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment/apply-online
- Commonwealth Home Support Program (basic home care for individuals aged 50 years or older)
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) helps senior Australian’s access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home. If you need help with everyday tasks and believe support could improve your health and wellbeing, CHSP could be right for you. To check your eligibility go to https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/am-i-eligible. If you wish to apply for an assessment go to https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment/apply-online
This program applies to individuals in the Australian Defence Force, Australian Federal Police, War Veterans and their family members. It is available to those currently and/or who have previously served.
Contact DVA on 1300 550 457 to verify entitlement for services covered by DVA.
If it is determined that you are not eligible for these government funded programs; you are still able to access aged care services through not government funded providers. This means you will need to pay the full cost of your care.
My parents have decided to delegate me as their advocate or representative. What do I do now?
A representative or advocate, is someone who acts on behalf of someone who has nominated them to make decisions or communicate about their current affairs on their behalf. You may be required to:
- communicate with My Aged Care or their chosen provider
- Make final decisions about assessments, referrals, and care plans
- Access and update their personal information
If you need to become a regular representative for someone involved with My Aged Care you will need to apply to be assessed online by My Aged Care at https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/node/1511289 and or contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
If you need to become a LEGAL representative, follow the same steps stated above. You will also be required to retrieve a legal statutory declaration stating you are the most appropriate person to represent your loved one AND you may be required to gather a letter from a medical practitioner stating they are unable to act on their own behalf.
Are there any support services I can access as an aged care client or representative?
If you would like to access support services, there are various organizations you can access to aid you. These can apply to both yourself as a client and/or carer.
- Carer Support
The Australian Government Organization Carer Gateway was founded in 2020 to help carer’s have a support system for them to access if they ever needed respite, financial aid, or professional advice. To access these services, go to: https://www.carergateway.gov.au/
- Advocacy
If you would like someone to explain the Aged Care program or research more information you can go to the OPAN website: https://opan.com.au/ or call 1800 7000 600
- Palliative Care Support
If you would like more information on palliative care services available you can contact the National Palliative Care Service Directory; this organization will be able to connect you with a service provider best suited to your needs during this time http://palliativecare.org.au/directory-of-services/
- Financial management
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s Money Smart website has tips to help you manage your funds: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/ This website is the basis of many services to help you manage your funds. You may use the following links:
- Accessing a financial advisor (planning for future finances): https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/investing/financial-advice/choosing-a-financial-adviser
- To find a financial counsellor (helps negotiate with creditors and budgeting): https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/managing-your-money/managing-debts/financial-counselling
This information was made using information sourced from My Aged Care if you want to find out more information you may go to: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/